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5 reasons why submitting your master’s application early pays off

Pursuing a master's degree is a big, exciting step towards advancing your academic and professional goals. As you prepare to apply for the programme you’re interested in, submitting your application early comes with significant advantages.

Let us explain why. Here are five compelling reasons why applying early for a master's degree course is a smart move.

1. No need to worry about the course filling up

Master's degree programmes tend to review applications as they’re received and will accept a limited number of students per intake. By submitting your application early, you can ensure that you secure your place before the programme fills up for the intake you want to join.

2. Access to more funding opportunities

As an early applicant, you’ll have time to investigate more options when it comes to securing financial aid, scholarships, and loans. Many institutions have limited funding available, and these resources may be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. The application process for funding opportunities can also take time and be conditional based on an accepted offer. By applying early, you also won’t have to rush through the process of securing the funding you need.

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3. More time for to prepare your application

Starting your application early also gives you ample time to gather all the documents you need, including transcripts, references, English Language proficiency test results, and personal statements. This allows you to review and organise your application materials carefully, ensuring that everything is complete and submitted on time.

4. Easier, clearer planning

Applying early provides you greater visibility in planning your future from a practical standpoint. Once you’re accepted onto the programme you want, you can make informed decisions about your personal plans, commitments and work schedule with your studies in mind. You’ll also be able to plan financially and ensure that you can set aside the funds to finance your course. In short, you can start preparing for your graduate studies with confidence and peace of mind.

5. Reduced stress and anxiety

There’s no way round it – putting together a university application is a daunting process! But doing so early can help alleviate stress and anxiety associated with it. By taking proactive steps to complete and submit your application ahead of the deadline, you avoid any last-minute rush. You can also feel confident that your personal statement is as good as it can be and makes your enthusiasm shine through.

Ultimately, there are many benefits to submitting your master’s application early. The sooner you apply, the sooner you know whether you’ve got a place on the course. You can then start planning your future with confidence. It’s also worth remembering when you apply with King’s Online, our Enrolment Advisors will be on hand to help you every step of the way.

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