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King's Virtual LLM Showcase

Hear from the Dickson Poon School of Law’s world-leading academics and have your questions answered

Event details

Date: 10 July 2024
Time: 18:00 - 19:00 (BST)
Duration: One hour
Location: Online

Can't attend the live event? Register for the Virtual LLM Showcase - Live Q&A Replay 18th July at 12:30 (BST).

Event overview

Considering studying an online LLM with King’s College London but still have questions? Join our virtual LLM showcase to hear from the Dickson Poon School of Law’s world-leading academics, as they answer your questions on why an online LLM with King’s will enhance your skillset – without interrupting your career.

Our event panel is made up of academics including the Director of Online Programmes, and members of our course advisor team who will discuss a range of topics including:

  • An overview of key modules across both LLM courses
  • How theoretical knowledge learned on the programmes is applied to real-world scenarios
  • Learning resources and academic support available to you
  • Tips for balancing study with your ongoing career.

Explore our online LLM courses

Online International Corporate & Commercial Law LLM

Online International Financial & Commercial Law LLM